Corrosion Pile Wrap
Corrosion Pile Wrap

Corrosion Pile Wrap

HCL's Long-Lasting Pile Protection System

The Smart Band Secured Pile Protection System is the perfect solution for most Pile Protection Projects and can be adapted for bracing and node applications as well. Once the Petrolatum Tape and Paste have been applied the HDPE Jacket can be very quickly installed.

A banded Jacket offers many advantages: no expensive handtools/hydraulic clamping required for installation, no pre-survey is required, the system is 100% non-metallic and will not interfere with other existing corrosion protection systems.

HCL work in partnership with many Petrolatum Tape manufacturers around the world to provide clients with the best solution.

Pile Wrap System Installation

Installing HCL's PWS is a very simple 5 stage process as outlined below

The Pile Protection System - 3 Simple Components

Petrolatum Tape, Paste Putty

The inner layer of Petrolatum Paste and Tape is what actually provides the corrosion protection removing oxygen from the surface of the pile. HCL partner with a number of Tape & Paste manufacturers around the world to provide a complete Pile Wrap protection system

Petrolatum Tape, Paste Putty<

HDPE Jackets & Edging Strip

A minimum of 2mm HDPE sheet forms an outer armour on the pile protecting the Tape & Paste beneath. Edging strips are inserted along the edge of the sheet to prevent marine growth from infiltrating along the seams

HDPE Jackets & Edging Strip<

Smart Band & Installation tools

Finally HCL’s Smart Band Hybrid system is used to clamp the HDPE outer armour to the pile, providing a durable non-metallic, corrosion free, high strength clamping system during the lifetime of the project

Smart Band & Installation tools<

Benefits of HCL’s Pile Protection System

Integrates with HCL ICCP Anode Clamping

The same banding and tooling supplied with the PWS is also used to clamp ICCP anodes and associated cabling to the piles. Thereby providing a complete non-metallic clamping system for the full protection of the pile.

Integrates with HCL ICCP Anode Clamping

No Pre-Survey required

Due to the flexibility of HCL’s PWS system, tolerances in pile diameters caused either by corrosion or straight from the mill are easily accommodated without the requirement for a measurement survey prior to supply.

No Pre-Survey required

On Site Adjustments Tolerated

Unexpected brackets, redundant steelwork or any other object can be incorporated within HCL’s PWS by simple fine tuning of the jacket and tape wrap system on site.

A perfect example of this is the recent Fishing Jetty project we complete where numerous anode brackets were attached to the Jetty Piles – see here

On Site Adjustments Tolerated

Cost Effective Solution

HCL’s PWS system combines efficiencies in installation times, cost savings on materials & mobilisation which provide substantial cost benefits throughout the supply chain and the total cost of deployment.

Cost Effective Solution

360 Degree Inspection Port

Where required, continued monitoring and inspection of the substrate is well catered for with the HCL PWS with the ability to include a full 360° inspection jacket. Positioned at a recommended 10% of locations on the project and featuring re-usable jackets this facility provides fast and efficient inspections.

For further information on our Inspection Jacket please view our Thankes Case Study

360 Degree Inspection Port

Rugged and Repairable at Low Cost

Inevitably incidents will occur (collision damage etc), should this be the case HCL’s PWS can be locally repaired with the minimum of disruption to the surrounding piles.

Rugged and Repairable at Low Cost

Copes with Various Pile Types

HCL’s Pile Protection solution does not just cover round piles but can also be installed onto jetties which have Rendex (Hexagnonal), Larssen & Frodingham Piles & Columns . HCL can also protect Concrete, Steel & Timber Piles.

An example of a project HCL completed with Octagonal Piles can be found here

Copes with Various Pile Types

From Design to Installation

We work with clients from the start to provide a full solution from the start to the end of each project. We will also work closely with other partners and contractors connected to the project on the client’s behalf. So you can be sure of a successfully planned and executed project working with HCL.

Let’s Get Started
